If you hanker for bluegrass music, the Greater Downstate Indoor Bluegrass Festival is where you’ll want to be the weekend of Nov. 9-11. Award-winning artists from across the nation perform six concerts. They are Lonesome River Band, Rhonda Vincent and The Rage, The Boxcars, The Roys, Dry Branch Fire Squad, The Link Family, Nothin’ Fancy, The Little Roy and Lizzy Show, Detour and The Bankesters. There are also acoustic instrument workshops for all kids and adults, a guitar show, music-related vendors, a jamming area and an open stage opportunity to showcase new talent. A full schedule can be found at www.bluegrassmidwest.com. Phone 529-7777 for hotel reservations.

25th Greater Downstate Bluegrass Festival
Friday, Nov. 9-11, 2:30pm and 7pm
Saturday, Nov. 10, 10:30am, 1pm, 7pm
Sunday, Nov. 11, 10am
Crowne Plaza
3000 S. Dirksen Parkway
$25-$60 (ages 6-17 half-price per ticket, under age 6 free)

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