Annual event supports programs that help veterans

This seventh annual event will raise awareness of homelessness among the nation's veterans and the ongoing challenges they face each day. It's not too late to help out in this fundraiser for Fifth Street Renaissance/SARA Center programs. According to organizers, boxes will be provided on site or will available in advance. Camp in a simple box or bring supplies to decorate your box for an event contest. Get a campsite by collecting pledges or donating to Fifth Street Renaissance. Donations can also be made online or by mailing to Fifth Street Renaissance. Important note: Participants do not need to camp out. Participants are asked to raise $100, but all donations are welcome. A food and kid's corner will be open from 3 to 6 p.m. See the Facebook page for more info.

Campout for Homeless Veterans
Sat, Oct. 5., 3 p.m. to Sun., Oct. 6, 11 a.m.
Medics First Ambulance
200 North Grand Ave. W.

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