The Springfield Audubon Society was created in 1932 as the Springfield Nature League. Since its inception the society has offered nature hikes, classes and educational tours. It eventually affiliated with the National Audubon Society while continuing to sponsor nature-related events including spring bird counts. It also began working in conjunction with the Illinois Audubon Society with which it sought official chapter status in 1979. Today, the society presents programs on natural history and conservation at the Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, works with conservation groups to protect local habitats and monitors legislative and government action, while still offering field trips and many activities for birders. In this Third Thursday Presentation, Wade Kammin of Wild Birds Unlimited will offer tips on attracting certain birds to your feeders while deterring squirrels and raccoons, keeping starlings from taking over, reducing house sparrow numbers and ideas on how to genuinely enjoy central Illinois' native birds as the weather changes this season. Plenty of time will be allowed for questions on other topics, too.

Third Thursday Presentation
Thursday, Nov. 17, 5:30 p.m.
Adams Wildlife Sanctuary
2315 E. Clear Lake Ave.

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