Tony-award winning Best Musical Thoroughly Modern Millie arrives at The Legacy Theatre in a sparkling new production June 20-29. Set in the Roaring ’20s, “Thoroughly Modern Millie is that old girl-meets-boy, girl-loses-boy, girl-gets-boy and busts an international crime ring story,” says Director Scott Richardson, with a smile. “I can’t say it enough, this show will send you home humming a tune and wanting to try on a pair of tap shoes!” The Roxy Theatricals production stars locals Devin Dinora, Jesse Trieger, Brenna Pfeifer, Erin Biggerstaff, Mark McCue, Tiffany Williams, Dalton McGhiey, Bradley Luke Davis and Rachel Larison. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for evening performances and 12:30 p.m. for matinees.

Thoroughly Modern Millie
June 20-21, 25-28, 8pm
June 22 and 29, 2pm
The Legacy Theatre
101 E. Lawrence
$22, $18 in advance

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