On Thursday, Feb. 15, from 6-8 p.m., join Twelve Winters Press for an open mic session and reading by local novelist and journalist Scott Faingold. Faingold, who received his bachelor’s in semiotics from Sangamon State University, worked as a clerk at Springfield’s Appletree Records and sang for local alternative band Backwards Day before relocating to Chicago in 1991. In Chicago, he worked as a manager and buyer for Wax Records while writing his first novel, titled Kennel Cough, which was published by Post-Traumatic Press. Faingold relocated to Houston and worked as an editor for the Houston Press from 2004-2006, followed by his return to Chicago to work closely with some of the top comedians as publicist for Lakeshore Theatre from 2007-2008. In 2010, he returned to Springfield to complete a master’s degree at the University of Illinois at Springfield, and now works as an adjunct instructor for the university as well as a full-time staff writer for Illinois Times. In his spare time, Scott performs as vocalist for Springfield’s post-post-post punk band Epsom and is currently working on his second novel.

Third Thursday Reading Series
Thursday, Feb. 15, 6-8pm
Sherman Public Library
2100 E. Andrew Road, Sherman

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