First responder

JOHN ALLAN LEWIN: Dec. 13,1957 - Oct. 31, 2017

If you were to mention the name Al Lewin anywhere in the central Illinois emergency services community, there would be instant recognition. For many years, Al served the Illinois State Police, as well as fire departments in Auburn and Chatham. He could be seen often running to emergencies of all kinds.

He served as an ISP first responder trainer and also as coordinator of the ISP chaplain program, which he helped organize. EMTs, paramedics and other medical personnel knew Al as a great teacher and encourager. His last job involved supervising Emergency Services Training at St. John’s Hospital.

If you were to mention Al Lewin among Illinois State Police staff and officers, there would be few who would not remember him as an avid supporter of their efforts to serve and protect the people of our state, especially in central Illinois. Over the years, Al trained hundreds of emergency personnel in the ambulance services, fire departments and emergency rooms. There is no doubt that someone reading this remembrance may well have been a benefactor of Al Lewin’s influence and generosity in working with medical emergencies.

On the afternoon of Oct. 31, 2017, Al “Doc” Lewin’s tour of duty ended as he was transported to the hospital, ironically not by ambulance, but by his wife, Donna.

So, Al is gone, missed deeply by his wife and daughters, and by all who knew him and worked with him. But his legacy lives on. Every time I hear the sirens and see the flashing lights of an ambulance, I think of Al Lewin. I suspect I always will. And so will his students and many friends. Rest in peace, Doc!

–Chaplain Don Pritchard, Illinois State Police, District 9-Springfield

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