(Chorus follows every verse, by students in a 1976 Fantasy Class)

Wilbur and Charlotte and Templeton the rat;
There goes Peter Rabbit with a beautiful white cat;
From a distant asteroid came the Little Prince;
Said we all must hurry now, a matter of consequence.

Goin' down to Narnia: just follow the yellow brick road.
Everyone will be there; Least that's what I'm told.
So come along to Narnia, just follow the yellow brick road.
Takes you to the country, and through an old wardrobe.

Ratty, Moley and Mr. Toad out in a motorcar.
Hadn't driven long before they hit another car
Glorfindel from Rivendell, the Elven Lord of old.
Over hills and valleys his great white horse he rode.

There goes our instructor, arm in arm with Ged;
There's Curdie and his princess, with a silver thread.
And if you're very quiet you can get a nod
from Borrowers: Arrietty, Homily and Pod.

Hazel-rah and Bigwig heard when Fiver had a trance;
Alice and the Gryphon joined the lobsters in a dance.
Mr. Square he met a Sphere but Flatland didn't care,
While Pooh went by, a-hangin' high, a black cloud in the air.

2024 Jacqueline Jackson

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