“Green” from Endless Pavement musical 

(Josette lives in a concrete world)
What did green look like, how did green feel?
What was green's odor when green was real?
Was there a green sigh of wind in the pine boughs?
Was there a green scent of hay in the hay mows?
...Do you believe in green rushes and moss?
Well I do, well I do...
What did green sound like, how did green smell?
What did green taste like, won't someone tell?
Was there a green skylark singing a bird call?
Was there a green wormy smell after rainfall?
And there's no one here to talk to...
O living tree with your roots in the earth,
Where are you? where are you?
Deep in my heart nameless yearnings take birth
Strange and new, strange and new –
I'm sick for laughter, the laughter of trees,
I'm sick for greenness alive on the breeze...
And there's no one here to talk to
And I'm so lonely, all alone...

2023 Jacqueline Jackson

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