His song lives on

JOHN MICHAEL BRILLHART: Nov. 11, 1972 - Nov. 6, 2017

Two hundred words is not enough. The impact John had on the lives of those he touched during his short time here will always be remembered. He was a proud father of two wonderful daughters, a beloved brother and son, a loyal friend and so much more. John was a known and well respected Springfield singer/songwriter for over 20 years and left behind a generous catalog of songs about his daughters, family, friends and even complete strangers. These songs live on through the many musicians he befriended during his lifetime.

John was truly one of a kind. His jovial personality made him so easy to love. He had a way of making pretty much anyone feel pleasant in his company and connecting with folks he had never met. A genuinely kind soul, he’d never hesitate to go out of his way to make you feel special. That’s just the kind of person John was. His heart was as big as his smile.

John, thank you for everything you gave us during your time here. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. The world was better with you in it. We miss you like crazy. Rock on, buddy.

–Anthony Bollero

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