OK. If you're so busy or brain dead you forgot you get a three-day weekend this weekend (like I did), you need to read this stuff below:

  • Tonight, 7 p.m., at The Pharmacy a jazz show with Lucas Collins from N.Y. on percussion and Albert Wildeman from Chicago on the upright bass and End Times Trio.
  • Friday night if you're not going to bingo, here's music and film at Marly's from 6-8 p.m. Jazz Happy Hour will feature 16mm "Film Treatments" and 35mm Slidefilms.
  • Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Vachel Lindsay Home, I will be reading. (And what many don't know in central Illinois is that I'm a closet songwriter. You east coasters already know that bit o' trivia. Poetry ... and I am breaking out the glee*tar.)
  • Sunday, Get the Led Out at Donnie's Homespun. Need I say more -- Led Zeppelin!

So, come hear me and join me at these other cool events. You get a bonus off day, remember. Oh, that guy down there, below Albert and Lucas and End Times Trio with Frank Trompeter, I just like that photo and he looks like he's holding us all up. No, that's John Saint Holiday, playing Saturday at Thirdbase at 9 p.m. See ya out there.

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