More than 2,000 illuminated pumpkins to light up the night

This weekend, more than 2,000 hand-carved pumpkins will be on display and illuminated at the Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon and Washington Park Botanical Garden. That's spectacular, indeed! The pumpkins are carved each year by local students, families, groups and artists. Most were done during last weekend's Carve for the Carillon event but more than 600 were still being carved by local students through yesterday - now that's a whole lotta pumpkins. Then they went into a refrigerated trailer parked at the botanical garden to be preserved for the event. Besides the amazing sight of thousands of glowing pumpkins, the carillon will be playing and food vendors will be on hand. Pre-event tickets, which cost $7 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-11, can be purchased at the Ashley HomeStore outlet at 1987 Wabash Ave. Prices go up to $10 for adults and $7 at the gates on the nights of the event. This event, now in its 17th year, is a must-do fall festival for as many as 8,000 people each year.

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21
Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon
Washington Park Botanical Garden
1740 W. Fayette Ave.
217-546-3853 or 217-546-4116

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