Found my oldest sister's well documented
baby book the rest of us had semi-docs
or no baby book at all in jo's mom wrote an
anecdote: "Little Joan, 3, had heard us
speak of playing cards but had never seen
a game. One day she called me that she had
something to show me. I found her on the
armchair, her hands on one arm, feet on
the other, her body arched over the chair.
'Mommy,' she said, 'I am playing bridge!'"
This story was not new to me – us kids had
heard it all our growing up but I'll send the
book to my sister so she can see it written
down: me, I go on sorting yellowed papers
finding stuff to save or pitch or pass on I
should write about when my cousin Paul got
run over by a motorcycle on an escalator in
Germany that's more of interest than bridge

2024 Jacqueline Jackson

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