Straight up and real

JOSEPH RAYMOND KLAUZER: Oct. 27, 1952 - April 24, 2017

On April 24, 2017, Springfield lost one of its greatest treasures, Joseph Raymond Klauzer. In 64 years of life, he touched many hearts. If you knew Joe, you were blessed with an amazing friendship. He acquired many lifelong friends as a young boy who grew up on the north end.

His childhood stories included bicycles, horses and cars. Joe persevered through those young, troubled years aided solely by his buddies, adoptive father and sister, Linda. His amazing work ethic began when he was 12 years old while working on his dad’s garbage truck. He was later a truck driver, roofer and finally a laborer for Laborers Local 477. Joe always got the job done right, but his profound wit, remarkable personality and creative vocabulary made a day’s work a unique experience.

He was supportive and a perfect mentor to his children, stepchildren and grandchildren. Their accomplishments gave him immense pride. Joe was always straight up, real and spoke from the heart. Compassion and willingness to help others earned him a lifetime of respect. He conquered every obstacle the “sky boss” put before him. Always in our hearts, always in our prayers.

–Submitted by Joe’s wife, Pat Elliott

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