The sweet-sounding trio, The Good Lovelies, will treat you to a concert March 9 at Sangamon Auditorium, UIS, as they make their way home to Canada. The touring three-part harmonies of Caroline Brooks, Kerri Ough and Sue Passmore never sounded so good and current and fresh. A pleasing mixture of Americana, folk, bluegrass with a hint of girl-group-1930s-40s sound with a contemporary slant, this trio has just as good a reputation for its onstage presence, touted as being funny, witty and upbeat. Their third full-length album, Let the Rain Fall, was nominated for the 2012 Juno for Roots/Traditional Album of the Year.

The Good Lovelies
Saturday, March 9, 8pm
Sangamon Auditorium, UIS
$39, $25

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