Take things that come, and turn them around for good

MARY SHAFFER Nov. 11, 1949 - Dec. 8, 2017

Mary passed away of ALS after battling it for just over two years. ALS is a debilitating disease that also took her sister, Linda, in 2015. Mary knew what the disease would do but she said, “I am a Christian, and I believe you take things that come in your life, and if they’re bad, turn them around for good!” She truly believed that and saw her diagnosis as another way to help others and draw our family closer.

Mary lived a life dedicated to helping others. She was compassionate, giving and always went above and beyond in everything she did. Although ALS took her physically from us, she continued to serve others throughout her battle. Her legacy will live on through those she helped.

Mary had worked for C & IM Railroad and SIU Medical Center. She home-schooled her youngest daughter for 12 years. She had a passion for helping women who were considering abortion and was a post-abortion counselor at First Step Women’s Center. She also served as the president of Women’s Aglow, sang in the choir at Calvary Temple and was a part of the children’s and women’s ministry team at First Assembly of God. Mary loved to laugh, sing and dance. She brought joy to everyone she met.

One of the favorite memories of Mary was this November as the entire family surrounded her for her last birthday. She wanted a ‘parade’ and she was ready to party even though she wasn’t able to walk or eat her favorite cake.

Mary was married to attorney William Shaffer for 31 years and they have three daughters – Angie Nesbit, Julie Lee and Elisabeth Roman. She also has three stepchildren, Anne Shaffer-Lassen, Christian Shaffer and Chad Shaffer, 11 grandchildren and one great grandson. Mary had a special relationship with everyone in her family.

–Submitted by Mary Shaffer’s husband, William Shaffer III, and daughter, Elizabeth Roman

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