Billy Galt plays Harvest Market Farmhouse Brews this Saturday night.

By the time you read this there may be a bit (or two bits) of snow on the ground; otherwise, with the sunshine and nice temps out right now, this current January vibe feels more like March without the madness. But let's just forget the weather for now and get to the music calendar to see what's forecast for our scene.

I can't and won't pass up on announcing a show listed as "Springfield Showcase" any old time. This one happens at Whiskey Jack's on Friday starting at 9 p.m, hosted by presenter and music artist (Derek) Rios Mios (check out his music online at Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube) and features some 12 different performers from our area's loaded hip-hop vein. As far as I can tell, the last time this happened was July of 2022 and it's a great way to get out the tunes, beats, songs, raps and the crowd for the 217 hip-hop scene. They're asking for a $10 cover to support the artists, and your host recommends you get there early for good seating arrangements.

In more common Springfield Friday night action, top-shelf cover bands playing out include After Sunset settling in at Motorheads, Grounded coming down at Weebles and Stereo Typical sounding off at the Curve. Adjunct Policy is featured at Boone's for the Springfield Area Arts Council-sponsored Friday Night Jazz weekly series, the JackAsh duo kicks up the dust at Trailblazer Pub, Angel Brown's Smooth 'n' Blue Band jumps ship at Anchors Away and Pinch of Grace plays Dead and more at Third Base.

Saturday night, once the standard and staple of weekend entertainment activities, is not void of excitement by any means. For end of January things look good, but I can't help but dwell on days of yore when there were so many live music shows you couldn't possibly get to them all or even want to do such a thing. But I digress, as we have plenty on hand to get to, and it's time to get to it.

I try to support the open mics and showcases, and I hope you do as well. So here's a neat thing to see as Stella Coffee and Tea brings in Rich Van Dorn to host an acoustic open mic from 10 to 12:30 and that's in the morning and into the afternoon, for sure. To plan ahead, this is held on the fourth Saturday monthly if you're thinking about brushing up those playing chops and getting out to entertain the coffee-and-tea-drinking troops sometime.

As Saturday evening rolls around, I see Billy Galt popping over from his Champaign-Urbana home base to play the Harvest Market Farmhouse Brews, The Tangents (Casey and Tiffany Cantrall) working it at Boone's Saloon, those stalwarts of cool old country music, White Lightnin', at the Curve and "Rustbelt Roots rock 'n roll" delivered by Tail Light Rebellion and Hamell on Trial at Buzz Bomb.

Of particular note, local hero Adam Maletich brings his award-winning and somewhat unusual, fingerstyle guitar playing (he won the 2022 Fingerstyle Collective Guitar Festival Live Competition held in Exeter, United Kingdom) to the UIS Studio Theatre for a Date Night series performance.

For an added bonus, I just found out country music superstar Marty Stuart is at the Lincoln Square Theater in Decatur with his world-renowned band, the Fabulous Superlatives, for a Saturday night concert. The historic theater is worth a visit just on its own merit. Then you're on your own for Sunday Funday stuff.

Have a blast, check the listings, and I'll see you in February.

Tom Irwin

Tom Irwin, a sixth-generation Sangamon County resident, has played his songs and music for nearly 40 years in the central Illinois area with occasional forays across the country. He's contributed to Illinois Times since 2000 by writing Now Playing, a weekly music column, as well as features stories and other articles...

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