Because I have high hopes for the Massey Commission, the group charged with charting a way toward reform after the July 6 police killing of Sonya Massey, I was initially pleased to hear that the commission would have its first session Sept. 16. I hadn't known that the 12 commissioners had been chosen. But wait. They haven't been, I learned. Plans are for this "listening" session to be held by the co-chairs, without commissioners, to hear the public's "hopes and concerns." Haven't we already done that? And shouldn't the members be chosen before the group's mission and goals are finalized? In the life of this commission, there will be times to listen and times to lead. The upcoming session will provide another opportunity for some of us to blow off steam. But others may hold back out of concern that the leaders aren't leading, and the right people aren't listening. – Fletcher Farrar, editor

Fletcher Farrar

Fletcher Farrar is the editor of Illinois Times .

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