Letters to the Editor 11/24/10
Last week’s cover story detailed how budget and staff cuts have taken their toll on the Henson Robinson Zoo.

How sad that the Henson Robinson zoo has become so run down [see “It’s a zoo out here,” by Rachel Wells, Nov. 18]. When the word was out about Southwind Park a few years ago, I had mixed emotions. One, what a great addition to the park system. But that was offset by my concern as to the effect of Southwind eventually draining the park district’s scarce resources. Apparently this concern has come to pass.

Too bad that a slice of the donations and grants for Southwind were not put into a fund to be used for the eventual upkeep of it. Sure, it might have meant cutting back on some of Southwind’s features, but it still would have been a fine park, and perhaps we would not be having the problem now with the zoo, let alone possible similar maintenance problems down the road with other parks.

Anyway, thanks for bringing this situation to the community’s attention via your story.

Dick McLane

Well I’m not a rocket scientist but I don’t think a good way to revitalize an area that has seen an increase in crime is to allow a drive-through liquor store to set up shop across from a haven of people who have nothing better to do than rob and steal and live off the government (MacArthur Park). Look at G & M package liquor on South Grand. Do we really need another alcohol retailer in the neighborhood, what with four bars already down the road?

Jared Wood

I am confused at the insistence of extending the so-called “Bush” tax cuts to those in the top 2 percent of American wage earners. Republicans such as Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John Shimkus and Tea Baggers such as Rand Paul and Sarah Palin proclaim it is those people who create the jobs America so desperately needs. They simply aren’t able to create those jobs since they just don’t know what the tax rates are going to be in the next few years. Darn it! If we only had some history that shows how many jobs they create in a favorable tax situation. Oh, wait a second! We do. The years from 2001-2008. Thank goodness for computers and graphs and economic thingys. Now we can get all mavericky!

Unfortunately, the data show America experienced its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression during the years of the great Bush “Redistribution of Wealth.” Unemployment hovers around 10 percent, foreclosures are in the millions, and more of our jobs continue to go overseas. Our biggest export is now well-paying American jobs Next time you see a millionaire or a billionaire, take a moment to say “Thank you.”

Chris Babb

The recent article by Mr. Krohe should be required reading for everyone [see “The new Know Nothings,” Nov. 18]. His coverage of how the voters think (or not) and what influences them was right on point. If more people took time to read up on their representatives and what they actually do, as opposed to what they tell us they will do (or not), our social systems would not be in such disarray and probably better. The high-profile pundits spend a lot of time mismanaging facts on political candidates and sitting officials. Their opinions are just that – theirs – which they try to make the opinion of all. Our two-party system is broken and has been for years.

Michael Abrams

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