click to enlarge Letters to the editor 9/19/24
David Blanchette reported on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago for Illinois Times and photographed Vice President Kamala Harris accepting the presidential nomination.

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Many thanks to IT and David Blanchette for coverage of last month's DNC in Chicago ("A message of freedom and joy," Aug. 29). Though we watched and were thrilled by the live coverage every night, Blanchette's recap reminded us of many of the highlights of the convention and the speeches that often moved us to tears of joy. What an incredible time of hope. The sidebar about the Palestinian protests kept the ongoing tragedy in Gaza in the moment and we appreciated that, too. Pray for peace and fight for justice! 

William Furry and Paula Romanaux



I'm quite aware your publication leans hard left politically. I don't, but I still read it due to the occasional interesting take on some issues. But your puff piece on the Democrat convention shows you have more interest in propaganda than fact.

Dave Blanchette may be an OK guy, but his time as a Pat Quinn flak marks him as a Democrat hack – no chance for balanced reporting. Imagine if you sent Sean Hannity to cover the Republican convention. You'd be the first to call him a biased hack, and probably worse.

He had a couple local angle references that would have been interesting compared to similar coverage from the Republican convention. But, of course, you didn't cover any of it, and I have not seen any of your team of Democratic writers have a good word to say about it. Too bad. They might have found some freedom and joy there, also.

So proceed on with your biased coverage. Just know it would be of greater interest if you tried to play it down the middle.

David Sykuta



This is in response to the recent article regarding Congresswoman Mary Miller's proposal of federal legislation to define what is male and female and why this issue concerning Title IX is so important ("Legislating gender," Aug. 15) Title IX is a 52-year-old law which created educational opportunities for women. The Biden-Harris administration has broadened Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and gender fluidity.  Miller has proposed the federal bill so that neither the Biden administration nor future administrations can redefine Title IX.  The bill that she is proposing is affirmed by science, biology and natural law.  There are only two genders. Males are born with XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes, which define their sex.  Male and female genders are not interchangeable.

The majority of people don't believe the science that a man can become a woman or a woman can become a man.  Just because a person goes through surgery to have perfectly healthy body parts removed does not change their gender. Common sense and safety is why we have had separate sex-specific sports and facilities for females.

There has been a movement to change the way people think about human sexuality. The issue of absolute truth has been discarded in the public square. This bill is about truth and is not about hate or exclusion.  The truth has been distorted in an attempt to form our society to the changing social views and norms. Absolute truth comes from our creator. God created human sexuality and marriage. God created us either male or female by design. We should have never come to a point where we have to define what gender is, but this is where we have come as a culture. 

Mary Miller made the right decision to move forward rejecting the current changes in Title IX and in standing up for truth to preserve the true definition of gender, which is male or female.

Beth Rogers



She drank the Kool-Aid. Want to know what Project 2025 would be like? Mary Miller is it.

Anne Hofferkamp

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