Aug, 28, 1938 - April 18, 2019

Mac Graham exemplified a life well lived. His love for his wife and family guided his every action while core values of faith, family and community permeated his life. Architecture was a calling which enabled him to express these values in churches, schools, hospitals and other buildings. His carefully considered designs inspire as places of worship, gathering, learning and healing. Generous with his talents, he was a kind, patient teacher who mentored others. His curiosity was insatiable and infectious whether traveling, reading or drawing with his grandchildren. A loving father and loyal friend, Mac was always willing to help and to share a laugh. He listened intently, leading with quiet strength and good humor. He shared his passion for travel, art and music with his beloved wife, Carolyn, family and friends. Grounded in genuine humility, his dedication and integrity made him a respected leader of a 50-year business and multiple community organizations. We seek to honor Mac by doing our best and seeing the best in others. We are blessed with memories especially tangible through his watercolors and the legacy of the buildings he designed. For these reasons, we celebrate and cherish the gift of his life. Submitted by his wife, Carolyn Graham

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