Silver Sneakers energizes baby boomers

While Medicare supplement pays for your fitness program

click to enlarge Silver Sneakers energizes baby boomers
Sydney Herzberger and Barb Nelson. PHOTOs by jean campbell

Sydney Herzberger and Barb Nelson are two of about 2,000 Springfield YMCA members who get their membership free through the Silver Sneakers program, a benefit of some Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplemental plans. And they are big fans of the program.

Nelson, 87, had stents placed in blocked arteries about 15 years ago. She started cardiac rehab at another facility but switched to the Kerasotes Y when it opened in 2011. She exercises three days a week year-round. Through the Y's partnership with Memorial Health, a cardiac nurse oversees phase three of Nelson's cardiac rehab, which includes the elliptical machine, the knee extension machine and the back stretcher. Nelson also gets in plenty of daily walking through the hallways of Concordia Village where she lives.

"Before I got the stents, I didn't exercise as much," says Nelson. "I mostly walked around my neighborhood. Now I know I need to exercise to keep my heart and body healthy."

Nelson adds that people tell her she doesn't look like she's 87. "I think exercise keeps me looking and feeling younger," she says.

Sydney Herzberger, 71, is another Silver Sneakers member at the Kerasotes YMCA. She exercises at the Y six days a week. She walks (while reading) on the treadmill for about an hour each visit. She also alternates between machines to strengthen her arms and legs.

"Silver Sneakers offers memberships at several fitness clubs, but I prefer the Y," she notes. "The staff members are very friendly, and the facility is very clean."

During the warmer months, Herzberger likes to ride her bike on trails a couple days a week. She typically rides 15-20 miles. She also walks her dog daily. "All these activities help keep my energy up and my stress level down," she says.

Kenzi Primus, executive branch director of the Gus and Flora Kerasotes west-side YMCA, says retirement means baby boomers have more time to include exercise in their schedules. And the Silver Sneakers program removes the barrier of membership fees.

"There's no 'one-size-fits-all' exercise regimen," notes Primus. "New members can go through an orientation with a YMCA staff member to learn about all the machines and how to use them."

Primus says there are lots of options. "Some people choose to swim laps or walk in the water resistance pool. Others walk or run around the track. Pickleball for this age group has become very popular at our indoor courts because it's easier on the knees than racquetball and tennis. We have just about every machine you can imagine, and we offer classes in yoga, aerobics and Zumba. There is also the Silver Sneakers Classic class, where a chair is used for seated exercises and standing support."

click to enlarge Silver Sneakers energizes baby boomers
Sydney and Barb with Kenzi Primus, center. Primus, executive branch director of the Kerasotes YMCA, is a big fan of Silver Sneakers. “The most important thing is to stay active to keep your body and mind healthy,” she says. “We also want members to have fun.”.

Primus adds, "New members who are just beginning an exercise program should start slow and increase their level of activity over time, so they don't become injured or burn out too soon. The most important thing is to stay active to keep your body and mind healthy. We also want members to have fun."

Herzberger and Nelson agree that the atmosphere at the Y is great for socializing, too. Before or after working out, they can grab a cup of coffee and converse with other members. Both women happened to find a new best friend at the Y.

Nelson says she feels like part of a family at the Y. "The Y is a very giving and wonderful organization," she says. "They offer programs for people with diverse abilities and low-income kids. My husband and I support the Y's Strong Kids program."

Other Silver Sneaker fitness locations in Springfield are Anytime Fitness, Esporta, FitClub and Planet Fitness. If you prefer to exercise in the privacy of your home, Silver Sneakers also offers a large variety of fun, interactive classes online. There are classes and instructors that cater to all skill levels.

For more information about Silver Sneakers, visit

Note: Not all Medicare plans offer the Silver Sneakers program. It is an extra benefit offered by some Medicare Advantage plans, as well as some Medicare supplement plans. A similar program called Renew Active, offered by some Medicare Advantage and supplement plans, is another fitness program accepted at the YMCA.

Jean Campbell is a Springfield freelance writer who recently joined the YMCA as a Silver Sneakers member.

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    Wed., Oct. 23, 1 p.m.