cantankerous poem #11

can’t believe I’d ever admit jane austen
has written a dull book but just finished
mansfield park last read many years ago
it’s incredibly poor why is edmund such a
dope who’d ever want to marry him now
fanny, she’s too perfect and inexorably
dull wayward maria’s punishment is far
too harsh but maybe not for a woman in
her social class at that time and as for
fanny’s mother being a slattern in a
mean little house with nine kids and no
money – well, I was a slattern too with only
four – surely fanny home for three months
could have helped her mom create a little
order in the chaos but no she stayed in an
upstairs room mooning over edmund and
beguiling her sister with glories of genteel
living at mansfield then all those long-winded
ad nauseam speeches wringing every nuance
out of every situation oh goody now we’re
finally getting to the climax a long time acoming
the love scene predicted from page one and what
does our jane do she skips it leaves it to our
imagination well every author is entitled to one
bad book my recommendation is that you read
pride and prejudice two three four times see the
movies remove mansfield park from the queue