Lincoln and American Immigration

Expert to discuss latest book about Springfield’s favorite son

Preeminent Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer will speak May 7 about his new book, Brought Forth on this Continent: Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration, during an event at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site. 
According to Holzer, the book “charts Lincoln’s political career through the lens of immigration, from his role as a member of an increasingly nativist political party to his evolution into an immigration champion, a progression that would come at the same time as he refined his views on abolition and Black citizenship.” The Center for Lincoln Studies at University of Illinois Springfield and the Lincoln Presidential Foundation are presenting the event. Register to attend in person or via live-stream through Tickets are going fast. Meanwhile, Holzer’s book is available at the site’s book store in advance. Holzer will speak to UIS students in a May 6 event at the school.

Lincoln and American Immigration
Tues., May 7, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Lincoln Home National Historic Site
426 S. Seventh St.

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