Pharmacy Visiting Artist II: Sarah Nesbit

This is the second in a series of posts leading up to Saturday's (July 13) group exhibit of work by members  and guests of Springfield art collective The Pharmacy.

"I have a general idea of where I want to start, and kind of where I'm headed," says Peoria-based artist Sarah Nesbit of her experience painting, "but as the process unfolds, I end up ultimately arriving somewhere that I hadn't planned."

Nesbit works primarily in acrylic and oil, although she also makes drawings.  "The main drive for me, the thing that keeps me interested and engaged in my work," she says, "is the multi-layers of experience, and specifically trying to describe, visually, a hard-to-describe experience - to describe the indescribable."

In order to capture the essence of experience, she employs a blend of representative and abstract approaches. "Representation kind of gives [the work] a foothold in something that people can relate to, but abstraction, for me, kind of describes this other thing, something not understood." One of Nesbit's favorite quotes is from abstract painter Wassily Kandinsky "He said that abstract art speaks of mystery in terms of mystery. I am trying to represent the different layers of experience - the mental, emotional and physical space, just trying to put all of that into the space of painting."

This Saturday at The Pharmacy, Nesbit will be showing a group of six or seven pieces - some drawings but mostly paintings. All were completed in the last twelve months and one, "something I've been building on for the last year," was only recently finished.

Sarah Nesbit's s work appears as part of The Pharmacy's 6th group exhibit at 1022 S.Pasfield, this Saturday, July 13 from 6PM-9PM.

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Scott Faingold

Scott Faingold is a journalist, educator and musician. He has been director of student media at University of Illinois Springfield, founding editor of Activator magazine, a staff reporter for Illinois Times and co-host of Old School Bleep, a music-centered podcast.

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