The Brave Little Rooster 

friends, a chicken is an omnivore

needs protein, that's why so many 

early kids' books are heavy on boys  

hunting and trapping – so pitch that  

dead bunny in the chicken yard!

when bugs are under the snow  

my daughter and son-in-law keep 

a 5-gallon covered can in their trunk 

beat the crows to fresh Nevada roadkill 

throw rabbit, lizard, vole to their flock 

(in covered yard since picked clean – 

hawks and coyotes like protein too, so 

chickens can't run free) the gang falls 

on any delicacy with joy

makes short work of the treat 

but one day in comes a huge furry 

dead raccoon oh! oh! oh!

an enemy! consternation!  

the hens huddle in a corner,  

while the brave rooster protects 

his harem with widespread wings –  

but when the danger doesn't move

hour after hour they gradually venture forth 

finally realize they have a banquet

which lasts many happy days

2024 Jacqueline Jackson

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