City of Springfield 2024 budget hearings

The city of Springfield will begin its annual budget hearings on Jan. 10. These budget presentations will provide an overview of the city's fiscal planning and allocation strategies for the upcoming year. The public is encouraged to attend and participate.

The schedule for the hearings is as follows:

Jan. 10 at 5:30 p.m.
Presentations by the Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Office of the Mayor, the City Council, the City Clerk and the City Treasurer.

Jan. 11 at 5:30 pm:
Presentations from Lincoln Library, Human Resources, the Office of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works.

Jan. 18 at 5:30 pm:
Presentations by the Springfield Police Department, the Springfield Fire Department, and the Office of Budget and Management.

Jan. 23 at 5:30 pm:
The final budget hearing will encompass discussions related to City Water, Light and Power.

These meetings would allow for the first reading of the budget ordinance to be on Tuesday, Feb. 6, the budget to be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 13, and the budget to be passed on Tuesday, Feb. 20.

For more details regarding the FY25 proposed budget, visit:
To engage and provide feedback, please email [email protected].

How to take part in city budget hearings:

• Attend in person at 300 S. 7th St., 3rd floor in the city council chambers

• Watch on Comcast Cable Channel 18 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99

• Stream the meetings on the City's website.

• Stream the meetings on the City's YouTube channel (On meeting nights, a "Live" box will appear before the first section of videos.)

• Stream the meetings on WMAY's YouTube live stream

• All sessions will then be posted to the city's YouTube channel

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