April is Earth Month, and April 22 marks the 52nd annual Earth Day. In celebration, the city of Springfield is cosponsoring two events:

April 23, Earth Awareness Fair, Henson Robinson Zoo, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 1100 E. Lake Shore Dr. Family-friendly educational event with hands-on activities, art, workshops, games and free admission to the zoo. Hosted by the city of Springfield; 30th annual event. The city is partnering with SMTD to offer free shuttle rides from the downtown transfer station to Henson Robinson Zoo. For more information, call 217-789-2255.

April 29, Arbor Day Celebration, Boys and Girls Clubs, 3:30 p.m. with Mayor Jim Langfelder and Alderman Shawn Gregory. Cosponsored by the city of Springfield's Urban Forestry Commission, Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Illinois and Springfield Art Association (SAA). 300 S. 15th Street. Student art, tree planting, outdoor activities. The SAA is working with the Boys and Girls Clubs art teacher to paint a tree mural in the parking lot.

Garden Club gives grants

The Springfield Civic Garden Club recently awarded $4,000 in grants for local projects promoting horticulture, gardening and environmental education. Recipients: Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Illinois for a native plant garden at its central unit, Iles Elementary School for a butterfly garden, Route 66 Monarch Flyway at Gate 2 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds for a three-season native garden for monarchs, Sustainable Springfield, Inc. for expansion of landscaping and gardens on Clear Lake Avenue, Motherland Gardens Community Project for expansion of a community garden in Springfield's east side neighborhood.

Karen Ackerman Witter

Karen Ackerman Witter started freelance writing after a 35-year career in state government holding various senior leadership positions. Prior to retiring she was associate director of the Illinois State Museum for 14 years. She is the past president of the Kidzeum Board of Directors and is an active volunteer...

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