ALEXANDER LEE FAHNDERS May 20, 1991 - April 19, 2022

My son's life was focused on helping others. Even during his own health and physical complications, Alex said, "I am alive for a reason. The reason is to help people." That's exactly what he did.

He worked and volunteered with youth organizations, cheered the downtrodden, helped individuals with disabilities and addictions, and befriended everyone he met by making them feel like the center of the universe.

Alex helped others quietly, but many have honored his memory in relaying how he lifted them up in troubled times. Two individuals shared that Alex saved their lives. Alex was known for quoting the late Jim Valvano – "Don't give up. Don't ever give up."

Everyone was drawn to Alex's magnetic personality, unending talent, flair for music, sports and his enormous heart. He's especially loved and remembered for his cheerful nature, loyal friendship and ability to light up any room by making everyone dissolve into laughter.

A celebration of Alex's life was held in May. The alumni association of his alma mater, Western Kentucky University (WKU), honored Alex's life of service in a tribute during their 2022 homecoming. WKU's motto is "The Spirit Makes The Master." Alex's memory and spirit will live on forever in his laughing, giving and loving.

His mom, Lori Ann McCabe

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