DR. JOANNE MARIE MAURER, D.D.S. Dec. 6, 1956 - Feb. 1, 2022

Mom was the Lorelai to my Rory and always lived her life to the fullest. She was feisty, independent, extremely smart, adventurous, fun-loving, strong and welcoming to anyone in need. She loved spending time with family and friends who she called family. Mom also enjoyed watching a good Hallmark movie or a “Gilmore Girls” episode in the morning with both her daughter and her dogs in the bed with her. She would attempt to beat me in a game of backgammon, however, she would always end up telling me that she hated losing, so eventually I would give in and let her win a couple of the games.

She also enjoyed singing, playing the guitar and piano. She was a well-respected dentist who practiced for 27 years. She shared an office with her husband, Mark, whom she met in dental school. She developed a friendly rapport with every one of her patients and had an amazing work ethic that she passed onto her two children. She endured many challenges throughout her 65 years of life. However, she never lost her fighting spirit. She showed her husband and two children, me and Robert, what a fighter she was after undergoing two complicated open-heart surgeries.

Although Mom may be gone from us physically, she continually shows signs that she is still present in our daily lives and she continues to be missed by all of her loved ones.

Her daughter, Demitria

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